Personal Loan

You can use our Personal Loan for your personal investment to create more wealth or for personal consumption to enhance your lifestyle.

Micro Loan (s)

Housing Loan

Everyone looks forward to owning their own dream home. We also understand that purchasing a home is a big commitment. At Phillip Bank, we can help work out your repayments and plan your finances to ensure that you are able to meet your commitments while m...

Car Loan

Phillip Bank offers car financing to individuals and businesses with flexible terms and conditions.


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise “MSME”  is a type of individual term loan that Phillip Bank provides to an individual customer for the following purposes:

Corporate/ SME Loan

Corporate / SME loan is a credit facility, available for the purchase/refinancing of property as own business operating premises, working capital requirements, issuance of performance bond/tender bond/ advance payment guarantee/bank guarantee/ statutory b...